The best spa for a family of four - Vortex™ Nitro™ owner review

Searching for a family spa pool? Not sure which one to get? Keep reading to find out why one busy family chose the Vortex™ Nitro™ and what they love about this spacious, family spa.

Vortex Nitro hero

Six years ago, Grant and Steph purchased their Vortex™ Nitro™ spa pool on a recommendation from a friend, and the couple haven’t looked back.

Watch: Vortex™ Nitro™ Spa Pool Review

Grant and Steph love the new spa so much that they had it craned out of their old garden and into their new one when they moved house. Luckily, they were only moving next door.

Their spa is a popular spot for the whole family, and during the weekend, it’s often packed with their kids’ friends. But even better, it’s where the family reconnects and talks, without the distractions of modern life.

Happy owners of a Nitro spa pool

Choosing the location for the spa pool

"In the spa pool, you can look straight down the harbour to the port... I liked it tucked in amongst the palms because it has a subtropical feel."
Grant Hopkins
Vortex™ Nitro™ spa pool owner

Grant and Steph’s home on the hill enjoys stunning views, so rather than positioning the spa on the deck, they tucked it around a corner so that it doesn’t block the outlook.

“In the spa pool, you can look straight down the harbour to the port. We wanted to be able to see the lights of the city at night. I liked it tucked in amongst the palms because it has a subtropical feel,” says Grant.

The spa pool was placed around 10 metres from the house in their previous home, and Grant says they knew to do it differently this time.

“You want somewhere where you can get inside pretty quick. Last time it was a little bit far from the house. So in the middle of winter, when you go out there and have a nice hot spa, it’s quite nice to duck straight back into your house and have your towels handy,” he says.

Why they chose the Vortex™ Nitro™ spa pool

"It was a nice depth, and that’s what people told us to look for, so you don’t have half your body out of the water getting cold. Also, it was big enough for the kids and all their mates to jump in."
Grant Hopkins
Vortex™ Nitro™ spa pool owner

Children, Hugo and Isla, fell in love with the Nitro’s lights, while Grant, at 183cm tall, was sold on the extra depth of the corner neck therapy seat and length of the loungers. He simply did not fit comfortably in some of the other spas he’d tried.

“It was a nice depth, and that’s what people told us to look for, so you don’t have half your body out of the water getting cold. Also, it was big enough for the kids and all their mates to jump in.”

And the spa has proven to be a major drawcard for the kids’ friends.

“When Hugo and Isla bring their friends over, they always bring their togs. This property is not that great for the kids to play, so I think it’s nice to have the spa for them. It’s also something different to what their friends might have at home.”

The Vortex™ Nitro™ is “simple” to maintain

Family enjoying a Vortex Nitro spa pool
"It’s much less effort than we thought. It’s actually very, very low maintenance. We don’t have to worry about it too much at all. I guess one person normally gravitates towards looking after it, and it’s not onerous."
Steph Hopkins
Vortex™ Nitro™ spa pool owner

Steph was the driving force behind the family’s decision to buy a spa, and she has taken on the responsibility for looking after it. Grant says they have both been surprised at how simple it’s been to keep it running well.

“It’s much less effort than we thought. It’s actually very, very low maintenance. We don’t have to worry about it too much at all. I guess one person normally gravitates towards looking after it, and it’s not onerous.”

Spa time is family time

Family enjoying a Nitro spa pool
"I think it’s easier to talk when you’re relaxed ... Much more so than sitting at the dining room table. We often plan the things we want to do, like hunting or fishing trips."
Grant Hopkins
Vortex™ Nitro™ spa pool owner

Grant says the family uses the spa at least once a week in the winter, and it’s often the scene for family discussions and planning sessions.

“I think it’s easier to talk when you’re relaxed, sitting in the spa looking at the stars. Much more so than sitting at the dining room table. We often plan the things we want to do, like hunting or fishing trips."

“Hugo and I try to get away hunting once a month. Both the kids play sport, and we talk about that or what’s coming up at school, like before a big game of rugby or a school production or a test.”

family bonding in a Nitro spa pool
"The way Hugo described it, it has a grounding effect for him. It sort of puts things in perspective. He sits and looks at the stars, and we talk."
Grant Hopkins
Vortex™ Nitro™ spa pool owner

Grant has also found that when it’s just the two of them, he and Hugo can have the heart-to-heart talks that may not happen otherwise in a busy household.

“The way Hugo described it, it has a grounding effect for him. It sort of puts things in perspective. He sits and looks at the stars, and we talk.”

Daughter Isla agrees, saying, “In the spa, we get to talk freely, laugh, and have a good time. It’s warm and relaxing, and we can watch the stars.”

When asked what it would be like if the family didn’t have the spa, Hugo says, “I would really miss the relaxation and the conversations.”

Siblings enjoying Nitro spa pool

Spa pool date nights

"It feels like a reward. Work can be stressful and hard, so you hop in there and think it’s all worth it because we can sit back and relax."
Grant Hopkins
Vortex™ Nitro™ spa pool owner

The main reason for getting the spa pool was for Grant and Steph to relax and spend time together – to make time to have a soak just the two of them in the evening once the children are asleep.

“We pop down there and just debrief for the day. Sometimes we might have a little glass of whiskey. That’s nice.”

Grant says that even after six years, it still feels like a treat to have a spa.

“It feels like a reward. Work can be stressful and hard, so you hop in there and think it’s all worth it because we can sit back and relax.”

Looking for a family spa pool? Check out our full range of family spas on the Spa World website.

Contact us for advice, tips and information for finding the perfect spa pool to suit your needs.

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